Source code for ajustador.drawing

import operator
import itertools
import math
import pprint
from matplotlib import pyplot, patches
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats, interpolate
import pandas as pd

from . import loader, fitnesses, utilities

def _on_close(event):
    event.canvas.figure.closed = True

except NameError:
    _GRAPHS = {}
def _get_graph(name, figsize=None, clear=True, newplot=False):
    if newplot:
        _GRAPHS.pop(name, None)
        f = _GRAPHS[name]
    except KeyError:
        if not f.closed:
            if clear:
                f.canvas.draw() # this is here to make it easier to see what changed
                f.plot_counter = 0
                f.plot_counter += 1
            return f
    f = _GRAPHS[name] = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize)
    f.closed = False
    f.plot_counter = 0
    f.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', _on_close)
    return f

[docs]def plot_together(*groups, offset=False, labels=None, separate=False): f = _get_graph(groups[0].name + ' together') if separate: f.subplots_adjust(left=0.03, bottom=0.03, right=0.97, top=0.97, wspace=0.26, hspace=0.20) n = len(groups[0].waves) columns = 1 if n == 1 else 2 if n in (2, 4) else 3 if n <= 9 else 4 if n <= 16 else 5 else: ax = f.gca() for i, waves in enumerate(groups): c = [0, 0, 0] ptp = waves.injection.ptp() if ptp > 0: off = waves.injection.min() - 0.2 * ptp ptp *= 1.2 else: off = waves.injection.min() - 100e-12 ptp = 100e-12 for j, curve in enumerate(waves.waves): if separate: ax = f.add_subplot(int(math.ceil(n/columns)), columns, j+1) c[(i+2) % len(c)] = np.clip((curve.injection - off)/ptp, 0, 1) kwargs = {} if j == len(waves.waves)-1: if labels is None or labels[i] is None: kwargs['label'] = else: kwargs['label'] = labels[i] y = curve.wave.y - (curve.baseline.x if offset else 0) ax.plot(curve.wave.x, y, c=tuple(c), **kwargs) ax.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=8) f.tight_layout() f.canvas.draw() return f
[docs]def plot_waves(waves): f = _get_graph( + ' baseline and steady state', figsize=(16,10)) f.subplots_adjust(left=0.03, bottom=0.03, right=0.97, top=0.97, wspace=0.26, hspace=0.20) n = len(waves.waves) columns = 1 if n == 1 else 2 if n in (2, 4) else 3 if n <= 9 else 4 if n <= 16 else 5 for i, curve in enumerate(waves.waves): ax = f.add_subplot(int(math.ceil(n/columns)), columns, i+1) ax.plot(curve.wave.x, curve.wave.y) ax.set_title('{} / {}V'.format(, curve.injection), fontsize=8) baseline = curve.baseline ax.hlines([baseline.x, baseline.x +*3, baseline.x -*3], curve.wave.x.min(), curve.wave.x.max(), 'y') steady = curve.steady ax.hlines([steady.x, steady.x +*3, steady.x -*3], curve.wave.x.min(), curve.wave.x.max(), 'g') spikes = curve.spikes if spikes.size: ax.vlines(spikes.x, -0.08, spikes.y, 'r') ax.text(0.5, 0.5, '{} spikes'.format(len(spikes)), horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) f.canvas.draw() return f
[docs]def plot_rectification(waves): f = _get_graph( + ' activation', figsize=(16,10)) ii = 0 n = len(waves.waves) columns = 1 if n == 1 else 2 if n in (2, 4) else 3 if n <= 9 else 4 if n <= 16 else 5 for i, curve in enumerate(waves.waves): if curve.response.x >= -12e-12: continue ax = f.add_subplot(int(math.ceil(n/columns)), columns, i+1) ax.plot(curve.wave.x, curve.wave.y) ax.set_title('{0.filename} / {0.injection}V'.format(curve), fontsize=8) ccut = curve.falling_curve baseline = curve.baseline steady = curve.steady rect = curve.rectification ax.plot(ccut.x, ccut.y, 'r') ax.set_xlim(curve.baseline_before, ccut.x.max() + .01) fit = curve.falling_curve_fit if fit.good: ax.plot(ccut.x, baseline.x + fit.function(ccut.x, *fit.params), 'g--') ax.hlines([steady.x, steady.x-rect.x], 0.20, 0.40) ii += 1 f.canvas.draw() return f
[docs]def plot_shape(what, *group): f = _get_graph('shape') f.canvas.set_window_title('shape for {}'.format(what)) ax = f.gca() op = operator.attrgetter(what) for waves in group: inj, val = waves.injection, op(waves) ord = inj.argsort() ax.plot(inj[ord], val[ord], '-o' if waves.__class__.__module__ == 'ajustador.loader' else '--+', label=getattr(waves, 'name', '(mixed)')) ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=8) f.canvas.draw() return f
[docs]def plot_shape2(what, *group): f = _get_graph('activation') ax = f.gca() for waves in group: x = [wave.falling_curve.y.min() if wave.falling_curve.y.size > 0 else np.nan for wave in waves] ax.plot(x, getattr(waves, what).x, '-o' if waves.__class__.__module__ == 'ajustador.loader' else '--+', label=getattr(waves, 'name', '(mixed)')) ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=8) f.canvas.draw() return f
[docs]def plot_param_space(group, measurement=None, *what, **options): age = options.get('age', False) fitness_func = options.get('fitness', fitnesses.combined_fitness) values = group.param_values(*what) if age: fitness = np.arange(1, len(values)+1) else: fitness = [fitness_func(item, measurement) for item in group] f = _get_graph('param space') f.canvas.set_window_title('3-param view for {}'.format(fitness_func.__name__)) ax = f.gca(projection='3d') if measurement is not None: sca = ax.scatter(*values.T, c=fitness) f.colorbar(sca, shrink=0.5, aspect=10) else: ax.scatter(*values.T) ax.set_xlabel(what[0]) ax.set_ylabel(what[1]) if len(what) > 2: ax.set_zlabel(what[2]) history = options.get('history', False) if history: ax.plot(*values.T, c='k') f.canvas.draw() return f
[docs]def plot_history(groups, measurement=None, *, show_quit=False, labels=None, ymax=None, fitness=None, clear=True, newplot=False): if hasattr(groups[0], 'name'): groups = groups, func = fitness or groups[0].fitness_func name = 'fit history {}'.format( f = _get_graph(name, clear=clear, newplot=newplot) ax = f.gca() colors = list('rgbkmc') markers = 'x+12348' colors = colors[f.plot_counter:] + colors[:f.plot_counter] markers = markers[f.plot_counter:] + markers[:f.plot_counter] for i, group in enumerate(groups): func = fitness or group.fitness_func fitnesses = [func(item, measurement) for item in group] fitnesses = pd.DataFrame(fitnesses) if show_quit: quit = fitnesses.fit_finished(fitnesses) color = colors[i % len(colors)] marker = markers[i % len(markers)] label = (labels[i] if labels is not None else '{} {}'.format(, func.__name__)) if show_quit: ax.plot(fitnesses[-quit], color + marker, label=label, picker=5) ax.plot(fitnesses[quit], marker=marker, color='0.5', picker=5) else: ax.plot(fitnesses, color + marker, label=label, picker=5) if ymax is not None: ax.set_ylim(top=ymax) ax.legend(frameon=True, loc='upper right', fontsize=8, numpoints=1) ax.set_xlabel('generation') ax.set_ylabel(func.__name__) f.tight_layout() f.canvas.draw() def onpick(event): thisline = event.artist xdata = thisline.get_xdata() ind = event.ind x = xdata[ind][0] sim = groups[0][x] texts = [] if hasattr(sim, 'report'): texts.append( if hasattr(measurement, 'report'): texts.append( if measurement: # FIXME: map from artist to group f = plot_together(measurement, sim, labels=[None, '{}: {}'.format(x,]) if hasattr(func, 'report'): texts.append(, measurement)) else: plot_together(sim) if texts: f.axes[0].text(0, 1, '\n\n'.join(texts), verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=7) if hasattr(f, '_pick_event_id'): f.canvas.mpl_disconnect(f._pick_event_id) f._pick_event_id = f.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick) return f
[docs]def plot_param_view(group, measurement, *what, **options): fitness_func = options.get('fitness', fitnesses.combined_fitness) values = group.param_values(*what) fitness = [fitness_func(item, measurement) for item in group] f = _get_graph('param space') f.canvas.set_window_title('2-param view for {}'.format(fitness_func.__name__)) ax = f.gca(projection='3d') sca = ax.scatter(values[:, 0], values[:, 1], fitness, c=fitness) f.colorbar(sca, shrink=0.5, aspect=10) ax.set_xlabel(what[0]) ax.set_ylabel(what[1]) ax.set_zlabel("fitness") history = options.get('history', False) if history: ax.plot(*values.T, c='k') f.canvas.draw() return f
[docs]def plot_param_section(group, measurement, *what, regression=False, fitness=None, fitness_name=None, log=False): if not what: what = group.param_names() columns = 1 if len(what) < 6 else 2 if fitness is None: fitness = group.fitness_func if fitness_name is None: fitness_name = getattr(fitness, '__name__', str(fitness)) values = group.param_values(*what) fitnesses = [fitness(item, measurement) if measurement is not None else fitness(item) for item in group] rows = int(math.ceil(values.shape[1] / columns)) f = _get_graph(' '.join(('param section', getattr(group, 'name', '(no name)'), fitness_name))) f.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, bottom=0.06, right=0.96, top=0.97, wspace=0.17, hspace=0.24) for n, param in enumerate(what): ax = f.add_subplot(rows, columns, (n%rows)*columns + n//rows + 1) res = ax.scatter(values.T[n], fitnesses, c=range(len(values))) if regression: a, b = stats.linregress(values.T[n], fitnesses)[:2] x1, x2 = values.T[n].min(), values.T[n].max() ax.plot([x1, x2], [a*x1+b, a*x2+b], 'r--') if log: ax.set_yscale('symlog' if isinstance(log, int) else log) if n == (rows - 1) // 2 * columns: ax.set_ylabel(fitness_name) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(what[n]) ax2.set_yticks([]) f.colorbar(res, ax=f.axes, shrink=0.5, aspect=10) f.canvas.draw() return f
def _product(seq): return reduce(operator.mul, seq, 1)
[docs]def clutter(array): if array.shape[0] > array.shape[1]: # we want horizontal layouts because they fit better in the window return np.inf else: dd0 = np.diff(array, axis=0) ** 2 dd1 = np.diff(array, axis=1) ** 2 return np.nanmean(np.hstack((dd0.flat, dd1.flat)))**0.5
[docs]def cbdr(values, func, xnames, yname, order=None, debug=False): """We have n dimensions, with a shape like (d0, d1, ..., d(n-1)). Each variable has a range... but let's map them to (0,1). Then final mapping is: X = x'(n-1) + x'(n-3) * d(n-1) + ... + x'(0 or 1) * d(2 or 3) Y = x'(n-2) + x'(n-4) * d(n-2) + ... + x'(1 or 0) * d(3 or 2) where x'(i) = [x(i) - min x(i)] / [max x(i) - min x(i)] So the multiplier for x' is (1, 1, d(2), d(3), d(4), ..., d(n-1)) """ dimsplit = values.shape[1] // 2 orders = ((order,) if order is not None else itertools.permutations(range(values.shape[1]))) xorig, yorig = utilities.arange_values(values, func) best = np.inf for perm in orders: _xs = utilities.reorder_list(xorig, perm) _ys = utilities.reorder_array(yorig, perm) _ys_shape = np.array(_ys.shape) _finalshape = (_product(_ys_shape[:dimsplit]), _product(_ys_shape[dimsplit:])) _final = np.resize(_ys, _finalshape) cl = clutter(_final) if debug: print('{} {} → rms(clutter)={}, {}' .format(perm, '-'.join(xnames[i] for i in perm), cl, '*' if cl < best else '')) if cl < best or np.isinf(best): xs, ys = _xs, _ys best = cl order = perm finalshape, final = _finalshape, _final ys_shape = _ys_shape print('Parameters:') m = max(len(p) for p in xnames) for i in range(len(order)): print('(axis {}) {}: {:{}} {}'.format(order[i], '-|'[i < dimsplit], xnames[order[i]], m, xs[i].flatten())) f = _get_graph('cbdr') f.canvas.set_window_title('cbdr {} × {}{}' .format('-'.join(xnames[i] for i in order[:dimsplit]), '-'.join(xnames[i] for i in order[dimsplit:]), yname)) ax = f.gca() rms = (np.array(func)**2).mean()**0.5 ax.set_title('{} rms(fitness)={} rms(clutter)={}'.format(yname, rms, best)) im = ax.imshow(final, interpolation='none', origin='lower') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) f.colorbar(im, shrink=0.5, aspect=10) if debug: f2 = _get_graph('cbdr - clutter') print('final shape', finalshape, final.shape) im = f2.add_subplot(2, 1, 1).imshow(np.diff(final, axis=0)**2, interpolation='none', origin='lower') f2.colorbar(im, shrink=0.5, aspect=10) im = f2.add_subplot(2, 1, 2).imshow(np.diff(final, axis=1)**2, interpolation='none', origin='lower') f2.colorbar(im, shrink=0.5, aspect=10) f2.canvas.draw() for i in range(len(ys_shape)): if i < dimsplit: size = _product(ys_shape[i+1:dimsplit]) w, h = 1, size pos = (-dimsplit + i) * 2 - 1.5, 0 - .5 textpos = pos[0] + .5, size - .25 textopt = dict(verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', rotation=90) else: size = _product(ys_shape[i+1:]) w, h = size, 1 pos = 0 - .5, (-len(ys_shape) + i) * 2 - 1.5 textpos = size - .25, pos[1] + .5 textopt = dict(verticalalignment='center') # print(i, pos, w, h) ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(pos, w, h, clip_on=False, alpha=0.3, facecolor='grey')) ax.text(textpos[0], textpos[1], xnames[order[i]], **textopt) f.canvas.draw() return f
[docs]def plot_flat(group, measurement, *what, **options): if not what: what = group.param_names() fitness_func = options.pop('fitness', fitnesses.combined_fitness) log = options.pop('log', False) values = group.param_values(*what) fitness = [fitness_func(item, measurement, **opts) for item in group] nontrivial = np.ptp(values, axis=0) > 1e-10 values = values[:, nontrivial] what = np.array(what)[nontrivial] print(values) print(what) if log: fitness = np.log(fitness) return cbdr(values, fitness, what, fitness_func.__name__, **options)
def _make_grid(values, npoints=200): # values is (measures × dimensions) xi = (np.linspace(dim.min(), dim.max(), npoints) for dim in values.T) return np.meshgrid(*xi, sparse=True)
[docs]def find_min_values(values, fitness): df = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((values, np.array(fitness)[:,None]))) mins = df.groupby(list(range(values.shape[1]))).min() mins.reset_index(inplace=True) return mins.values[:, :-1], mins.values[:, -1]
[docs]def plot_map(group, measurement, *what, **options): fitness_func = options.pop('fitness', fitnesses.combined_fitness) log = options.pop('log', False) dots = options.pop('dots', False) values = group.param_values(*what) fitness = [fitness_func(item, measurement, **options) for item in group] rms = (np.array(fitness)**2).mean()**0.5 if log: fitness = np.log(fitness) yname = fitness_func.__name__ f = _get_graph('param map') f.canvas.set_window_title('params {} × {}{}'.format(what[0], what[1], yname)) values, fitness = find_min_values(values, fitness) grid_x, grid_y = _make_grid(values) points = interpolate.griddata(values, fitness, (grid_x, grid_y), method=method) extent = (values[:,0].min(), values[:,0].max(), values[:,1].min(), values[:,1].max()) ax = f.gca() ax.set_title('{} rms(fitness)={}'.format(yname, rms)) ax.set_xlabel(what[0]) ax.set_ylabel(what[1]) im = ax.imshow(points, extent=extent, origin='lower', aspect='auto', **options) ax.set_xlim(extent[0], extent[1]) ax.set_ylim(extent[2], extent[3]) f.colorbar(im, shrink=0.5, aspect=10) if dots: ax.plot(values[:,0], values[:,1], 'k.', ms=1) f.canvas.draw() return f